Thursday 23 February 2012

Trixie Belden

 Trixie Belden is my favourite character in the Trixie Belden series. She is a Thirteen-year-old girl who is described as being short with a sturdy build, she has short sandy,blond ringlets and round blue eyes. She has a tendency to jump to conclusions, but her hunches often prove to be correct.One of Trixie's chores is to look after six-year-old Bobby, She loves her little brother, but she often loses patience with the mischievous child. Trixie has an amazing instinct for people and can accurately judge them before she gets to know them.Her best friend is Honey Wheeler. She and Honey plan to one day open their own business The Belden-Wheeler Detective Agency. 
 My review
So far I have really enjoyed reading the Trixie Belden books. The Author writes in a way that makes it feel like it is really happening and has you sitting on the edge of your seat.These books are suitable for ages 11/12+ because they could be a little bit confusing for younger kids.Even though these books are quite old they are my favourite series so....
I rate them 10 out of 10!!!.

These books are quite hard to find because they aren't published much any more. There are 39 books in the series. Here are some tips to where you may be able to find them.
  1. Look in op shops around your town or area,You should go to op shops every week or two and search around in the book section. You might be able to ask the shop to notify you if any of the books you wanted came in(not sure).
  2. You could also go to garage sales, markets, car boot markets etc. All of the options listed would  probable sell the books for a reasonable price and be on most weekends of the year(depending where you live).
  3. If you are to busy to look around op shops regularly you can go on to eBay and search Trixie Belden books and there should be a wide variety of the books to choose from, but the only disadvantage of doing that is that they are more expensive than op shops.They will range from prices of about $5-$15 possibly more or less than that price because you have to include postage + the Price so I am estimating that it would cost at least $10 altogether, if not even more But....You can buy them in sets which is usually cheaper but sometimes they sell for really high prices!
  4. Some Library's may still have the Trixie Belden books but most won't. It depends on whether your library still keeps old books.But if they do you could borrow them if you are a library member or they may even have them for sale.
I hope you will be able to find these AWESOME books and enjoy reading them as much as I have
Thanks again, Courtney
cya soon

 Ps.Make sure you don't pinch my Trixie Belden books from the op shops!!ha ha

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